Sunday, August 28, 2011

Weathering Irene, Part 2

The worst of Irene has left the Upstate New York.  Thankfully the wind and rain died off significantly before it came this far up the Hudson River valley. Wind gusts from the worst of the storm woke me up early this morning. The rain hasn't stopped since last night.  I would consider it a pleasant rain if we weren't still waiting for it to stop. The Weather Channel reported that it probably won't stop until later tonight.   I'm located high on the hills surrounding the valley so I haven't had any flooding near me.  The basements of some of my friends were not so lucky.  I-90 is above water so Heather was able to head back to Livingston County with minimal problems. Now to enjoy a very rainy Sunday.  Good thing I have lots of new travel books to read!